Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Hometown Villages

Today while speaking with my cousins Suzi Kekich & Nancy Viselka I discovered info on relatives and ancestral hometowns.

Here's a list:
Srpske Moravice - my mother's grandmother's hometown
Gospic - my mother's grandfather's hometown

Relatives were visited by Uncle George & Aunt Jenny Kekich along Suzi & Nancy in 1966 & 1972 I believe. Correction later on these dates.

A list of relative's towns:
Srpske Moravice
Plitvice Lakes

On their 1969 trip to Yugoslavia Cousin Nancy says their itinerary was:
Milan IT
Venice IT
Trieste IT
Villach AT
Lake Bled Slovenia
Srpske Moravice
Rijeka Croatia
Pula Croatia
Gospic Croatia
Zagreb Croatia

Cousin Suzi remembers the home county of relatives was the county of Lika where her (my) great uncles lived. Lika may be a name of a town as well.

Cousin Nancy says we have a second cousin possibly living in Gospic (name unknown as of 6/17/08) . This cousin had a brother who died in a motorcycle accident.

Uncle George & Aunt Jenny researched a family tree. Suzi will be sending me a copy. Thanks Suzi. Suzi said the surname Kekich & Vu(c)kovic is like Smith & Jones as for being common in the former Yugoslavia. Suzi's email is badger60@juno.com

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