Monday, December 1, 2008

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Jovo Kekich - Kekich's Market

Originally uploaded by cyclingsimmons
This is my grandfather, Jovo Kekich, in front of his IGA grocery store at 114 North 4th St Youngwood PA.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Little Bit of History

If you've noticed our Serbian grandparents & great-grandparents and their parents all lived in what is now within Croatian borders. The reason for this was that in the 14th - 16th centuries the Turks invaded Old Serbia and occupied it. In the 1670's Patriarch Arsenije Carnojevic led the Serbian people away from the Turk domination to the present-day Croatian lands. These Croatian lands were under the control of the Austrians who granted the Serbians freedom & protection. This exodus from Old Serbia to freedom was captured in a famous painting (icon) with the Patriarch leading the people on foot like Moses led the children of Israel out of bondage. This explains why our more immediat Serbian ancestors lived in Croatia.

The age-old animosity between Serbs and Croats lives on as evidenced in the wars of the past 15 years. Though they lived in peace for 60 years once the pot was stirred the old hatred spread like a wildfire. My Serbian friend Milka Acimovic (a Serb who has lived in Youngwood PA for the past 20 years) says that the town of Gospic (where some of our relatives lived) became infamous for atrocities against Serbs during the recent wars. She also said that during WW 1 Serbs were burned alive in Gospic. So the feelings of hate & anger simmer beneath the surface during the times of "imposed peace". And rise to the surface whenever the political tensions lead to military actions.

Hometown Villages

Today while speaking with my cousins Suzi Kekich & Nancy Viselka I discovered info on relatives and ancestral hometowns.

Here's a list:
Srpske Moravice - my mother's grandmother's hometown
Gospic - my mother's grandfather's hometown

Relatives were visited by Uncle George & Aunt Jenny Kekich along Suzi & Nancy in 1966 & 1972 I believe. Correction later on these dates.

A list of relative's towns:
Srpske Moravice
Plitvice Lakes

On their 1969 trip to Yugoslavia Cousin Nancy says their itinerary was:
Milan IT
Venice IT
Trieste IT
Villach AT
Lake Bled Slovenia
Srpske Moravice
Rijeka Croatia
Pula Croatia
Gospic Croatia
Zagreb Croatia

Cousin Suzi remembers the home county of relatives was the county of Lika where her (my) great uncles lived. Lika may be a name of a town as well.

Cousin Nancy says we have a second cousin possibly living in Gospic (name unknown as of 6/17/08) . This cousin had a brother who died in a motorcycle accident.

Uncle George & Aunt Jenny researched a family tree. Suzi will be sending me a copy. Thanks Suzi. Suzi said the surname Kekich & Vu(c)kovic is like Smith & Jones as for being common in the former Yugoslavia. Suzi's email is

Monday, June 16, 2008

Discovery of Surnames

From Application for Marriage License:
My Granfather Jovo Kekich married Dragica Vuckovic.
My Grandfather's father was Stevan Kekich whose wife was Boja Rajcinic.
My Grandmother's father was Simo Vuckovic whose wife was Angja Petrovic.
There place of birth was Austria.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Serbian Orthodox Church

Picture 039
Originally uploaded by cyclingsimmons
This is Holy Ascension of Our Lord Serbian Orthodox Church in Youngwood PA. My grandfather, Jovo Kekich, was one of the founding members and helped build it in 1912. Just in time for his wedding. I was baptized here May 16 1956.

Come And See

Come And See
Originally uploaded by cyclingsimmons
My Grandfather was one of the founding members of this Church. It was built in 1912 just in time for his wedding.

Youngwood Photos

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Introduction To The Kekich Family

Jovo & Draga Kekich were my maternal grandparents.